Open-ended Working Group on Ageing
for the
purpose of strengthening the
of the
human rights of older persons
Eleventh Working Session
Statements by NGOs
- 50plus Hellas (30 March 2021, 4th meeting)
- AgeNet (30 March 2021, 3rd meeting)
- AGE International (1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- AGE Platform Europe (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting social protection | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting education | 31 March 2021, 5th meeting | 31 March 2021, 6th session | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- AGE UK (31 March 2021, 6th session)
- Asociacion Cubana de las Naciones Unidas - ACNU (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- Association camerounaise pour la prise en charge de la personne agée (ACAMAGE) (31 March 2021, 5th meeting)
- Coalition of Services of the Elderly - COSE (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- Community Legal Centres Australia (1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development - CSEND (31 March 2021, 5th session): Statement 1 | Statement 2
- Development Welfare and Research Foundation (30 March 2021, 4th meeting)
- German National Association of Senior Citizens Organisations - BAGSO (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samity - GRAVIS (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- Global Seniors Denmark (31 March 2021, 5th meeting)
- Global Vision India Foundation (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting | 30 March 2021, 3rd meeting)
- HelpAge International (30 March 2021, 3rd meeting | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting | 31 March 2021, 6th meeting | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- HelpAge Deutschland (30 March 2021, 4th meeting | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- HelpAge International España (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting | 31 March 2021, 5th meeting | 31 March 2021, 6th session)
- HelpAge India (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- Humanitarian Ambassadors Organization - HAO (30 March 2021, 3rd meeting) | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting
- International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics - IAGG (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting | 31 March 2021, 5th meeting | 31 March 2021, 6th session)
- International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care - IAHPC (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting | 30 March 2021, 3rd meeting | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- International Federation of Associations of the Elderly - FIAPA (30 March 2021, 4th meeting | 31 March 2021, 5th session)
- International Federaton on Ageing - IFA (31 March 2021, 5th meeting | 31 March 2021, 6th meeting | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- ILC Canada (on behalf of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People) (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse - INPEA (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting | 31 March 2021, 6th meeting | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- INPEA-Argentina (30 March 2021, 3rd meeting | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting work | 30 March 2021, 4th meeting educ | 31 March 2021, 6th session | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- Japan Support Center for Activity and Research for Older Persons (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- Movimiento Giotto (30 March 2021, 3rd meeting)
- NSINDAGIZA (30 March 2021, 4th meeting | 1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- Older Women's Network Europe (30 March 2021, 3rd meeting | 31 March 2021, 5th meeting)
- Pass It On Network (30 March 2021, 3rd meeting | 31 March 2021, 5th meeting)
- Red Cross Serbia (1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- Regional Public Foundation Assistance for the Elderly (Dobroe Delo) Russia (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- Resource Integration Centre (30 March 2021, 4th meeting)
- Saint Elizabeth Health Care (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
- Senior Citizens Association Zambia (30 March 2021, 4th meeting | 31 March 2021, 5th meeting)
- Silver Inning Foundation (1 April 2021, 7th meeting)
- Soroptimist International (31 March 2021, 5th meeting)
- The Association for the Aged (South Africa) (30 March 2021 3rd meeting)
- The Good Samaritan Social Services (Tanzania) (30 March 2021, 4th meeting)
- Tinker Institute on International Law and Organizations (30 March 2021, 4th meeting)
- Volunteers of America (29 March 2021, 2nd meeting)
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