Open-ended Working Group on Ageing
for the
purpose of strengthening the
of the
human rights of older persons

Fifth Working Session
Panel 1:
Human Rights and Care of Older Persons
- Ruth Isden, Age UK: "Human Rights and the Care of Older People, a UK Perspective"
- Isabella Aboderin, African Population and Health Research Center, Nairobi: (no title)
- Kasia Jurczak, European Commission, Brussels, "The EU's approach to long term care"
- Mateja Kozuh Novak, President, Federation of Pensioner Organizations, Slovenia, "Human Rights and Care of Elderly"
Panel 2:
Violence and Abuse Against Older Persons
(older women, financial abuse)
Panel 3:
Planning for End of Life Care: Legal and Financial Issues
- Sooyoun Han, CareRights, Republic of Korea, "Elderly Patients Rights in End of Life Care and Decisions
- Monica Roque, MInistry of Social Development, Argentina, "Decisions Nacional de Political para Adultos Mayores"
- David Obot, Uganda Reach the Aged, "Planning for end of Life Care, legal and financial issues"
- Andrew Byrnes, University New South Wales, Law Department, Australia (statement)
UNDESA-DSPD, OHCHR, United Nations © 2011