Fourteenth Session
Submissions by A-status National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs)
Inputs are posted as received. When more than one document exists, each one is linked under the focus area it covers.
A-Status NHRIs - Substantive Input (OEWG14)
- Australia - Australian Human Rights Commission - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Argentina - Defensoría del Pueblo - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat
- Croatia - Republic of Croatia Ombudsman - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Democratic Republic of Congo - The National Human Rights Commission - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Egypt - National Council for Human Rights - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Finland - Finnish National Human Rights Institution - Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Georgia Public Defender’s Office - Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Germany - German Institute for Human Rights - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Guatemala - Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Kenya - National Commission on Human Rights - Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Malawi - Malawi Human Rights Commission - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Mauritius - Mauritius National Human Rights Commission - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Nigeria - National Human Rights Commission - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Philippines - Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Poland - The Commissioner for Human Rights - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Republic of Korea - National Human Rights Commission of Korea - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat
- Rwanda - Rwanda National Commission for Human Rights - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- South Africa - South Africa Human Rights Commission - Participation in public life and decision-making processes
- Ukraine - Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights - Accessibility, infrastructure and habitat / Participation in public life and decision-making processes
A-Status NHRIs - Normative Input (OEWG13)
- Australia - Australian Human Rights Commission - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Argentina - Defensoría del Pueblo - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Democratic Republic of Congo - The National Human Rights Commission - Right to health and access to health services
- Egypt - National Council for Human Rights - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- El Salvador: Procuraduría para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Finland - Finnish National Human Rights Institution - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Georgia Public Defender’s Office - Social inclusion
- Germany - German Institute for Human Rights - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Guatemala - Procuraduría de los Derechos Humanos - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Kenya - National Commission on Human Rights - Right to health and access to health services
- Mauritius - Mauritius National Human Rights Commission - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Nigeria - National Human Rights Commission - Right to health and access to health services
- Philippines - Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Poland - The Commissioner for Human Rights - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Republic of Korea - National Human Rights Commission of Korea - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion
- Ukraine - Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights - Right to health and access to health services / Social inclusion