United Nations
Office of the High Commissioner for Human rights (OHCHR)
In recent years, there have been significant advocacy efforts calling for enhanced international thinking and action on the human rights of older persons. Various stakeholders have called for more visibility and increased use of international human rights standards to address the dire situation of millions of older women and men around the world.
Multiple discrimination appears as an essential component of any analysis, particularly when considering that age-related discrimination if often compounded by other grounds of discrimination, such as sex, socio-economic status, ethnicity, or health status.
The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights strives to ensure that neglected population groups are given space and weight in the human rights agenda, and that governments take all measures required to protect and promote their human rights. The role of the Office is to ensure a voice for all, especially for those whose voices are seldom heard.
For more information, please visit: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/OlderPersons/Pages/OlderPersonsIndex.aspx