The Official Logo of the International Year of Youth (IYY)
The UN Programme on Youth is pleased to launch the new logo for the International Year of Youth. The official slogan for the International Year of Youth (IYY) is: Our Year. Our Voice.
The official logo for IYY is available to download and attach onto promotional materials for events organized in celebration of the Year. Please read very carefully the IYY logo disclaimer and the guidelines for its use. Downloading the logo will be at no cost and available once the liability waiver has been signed and submitted to the UN Programme on Youth (UNPY).
The logo use guidelines are available in the following UN Official languages: Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语
If you have any questions, please read our Frequently Asked Questions or email us at youth@un.org.
Please click on each picture below to download it and then right click on the picture to save it in your computer.
.الرجاء الضغط على كل صورة أدناه لتحميل البرنامج
S'il vous plaît cliquer sur chaque image ci-dessous pour la télécharger.
Пожалуйста, нажмите на каждую картинку ниже, чтобы загрузить его.
Por favor, haga clic en cada imagen de abajo para descargar.