What are the values driving cooperative enterprises?

International Year of Cooperatives

Not all cooperatives operate in exactly the same manner. However, most traditional cooperatives follow the seven principles of cooperative identity promoted by the International Cooperative Alliance (link to ICA), an Apex organization for cooperatives around the world.

The first four principles – voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, and autonomy and independence – guarantee the conditions under which members own, control and benefit from the business. The fifth principle focuses on education, training and information sharing. It ensures that members can contribute effectively to development of their cooperatives. The sixth principle – cooperation among cooperatives – strengthens the effectiveness and economic viability of cooperatives by increasing capacity across many spheres of operation. The seventh principle – concern for community – addresses corporate responsibility, a concept that comes more naturally to cooperatives as member-serving and member-driven enterprises.

For more information on the values and principles of cooperatives as advocated by the International Cooperative Alliance read their Statement of Cooperative Identity

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