February 2017

Feature Article

UN Entities Highlighted News

ILO: Youth on the Vanguard of Efforts for a Better World for All

Youth representatives at this year’s ECOSOC Youth Forum (30-31 January 2017) highlighted the importance of decent jobs at a time where changes to globalization are characterized by lower wages and rising inequalities. Mr. Vinícius Pinheiro, Special Representative to the UN and Director of the ILO Office for the United Nations highlighted the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and concluded: “Only by working together we can achieve that common goal of full and productive employment and decent work for youth.” More


ILO: Renewable Energy Production Boosts Hope for Job Creation in Egypt

This ILO pilot project that produces biogas in two Egyptian villages is creating jobs and reducing pollution. The biogas pilot project brought together the ILO-Canada project “Decent Jobs for Egypt’s Young People" and the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture, under the auspices of the Port Said governorate. The project was selected as one of the country’s most successful development projects in 2016, and featured in the Egyptian Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center’s (IDSC) report: “Scanning Successful Development Projects in Egyptian Governorates”.  More

UNCDF: How Access to Financial Services and Financial Education Affects Young People

UNDP: Youth Empowerment and the SDGs – Voices from the Field

On 1 February 2017, against the backdrop of the Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC) Youth Forum, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) hosted a meeting with youth focal points and advisors from different regions to discuss and exchange experiences on the United Nations and UNDP’s support to youth empowerment and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Insights included how to enhance youth employment skills in Bangladesh, ensuring a seat at the table for Somali youth, moving from innovation to implementation in Egypt and the importance of working as One UN in Kosovo*. More


UNDESA: “Youth Policies and Inequalities in Latin America” International Meeting

UNDP: Asia-Pacific Youth Exchange Program Event in January 2017

The Asia-Pacific Youth Exchange Program (APYE) event, held in Bangkok in January 2017, responded to the global need of actively engaging youth in localized Sustainable Development Goal initiatives. By working with multiple stakeholders in local communities and in decision-making processes, selected youth delegates were given a unique opportunity to learn and hone the skills necessary to participate in SDG-related activities. The APYE program consisted of three main components: (1) leadership development; (2) local immersion to engage youth in social innovation; and (3) a youth symposium to showcase their innovations. More

UNDP: #ACTon2250 – First Anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace & Security

UNDP: ECOSOC Youth Forum Session on Voices from the Field

As part of the 2017 ECOSOC Youth Forum held in New York on 30-31 January, a Plenary Session on “Youth engagement in eradicating poverty and promoting prosperity: Voices from the field” showcased innovative youth-led initiatives supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and discussed how these can be replicated in other contexts to contribute to poverty eradication and a more prosperous world. This interactive panel discussion was moderated by Noëlla Richard, Youth Policy Specialist and UNDP Youth Global Programme Manager. More


PBSO: Youth, Peace and Security Regional Consultation and High-Level Dialogue in Amman, Jordan

UNDP: Through Innovation, Youth in Colón, Panama, Work Towards Violence Prevention

Education, culture and entrepreneurship are some of the areas that youth leaders in Colón aim to impact through their innovative proposals presented at the Third Social Innovation Camp held on 14 January 2017. In the two previous sessions, youth analysed the causes of crime, violence and insecurity, while reflecting on how these problems affect their opportunities for development. In preparation for the Third Camp, participating young people worked on designing innovative proposals focused on reducing violence in their communities to reinvent a vision of the future for the youth of Colón. More


UNDP: Innovation for Violence Prevention in Panama

SRSG for Children and Armed Conflict: Commemorating 20 Years of Work for Children

Since its creation by the General Assembly in 1996, the mandate of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict has been strongly committed to the protection of children in war-affected countries. Few issues have managed to galvanize the international community like the plight of children affected by war. Since 2000, over 115,000 child soldiers have been released and there is now a consensus among States that children should not be recruited and used in conflict. Find out more in our 20th anniversary video and publication.



UNDP: Join the Arab States Space on the Youth4Peace Global Knowledge Portal!

UNCDF: Youth and Financial Inclusion — The Story of Sisay Worku

How does access to finance help to improve the lives of youth? The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) recently completed an in-depth financial diaries study to better understand current knowledge, skills, and behaviours of youth that have accessed financial and non-financial services through the YouthStart programme. This video tells the story of Sisay Worku, a 19 year-old young man that has accessed financial services to help improve his livelihood.

World Bank Group: Launch of The Ideas for Action Competition

UNCTAD: New Entrepreneurship Training in Cameroonian High Schools

In December 2016, the new entrepreneurship behavioural training developed by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was launched in two high schools of Yaoundé, Cameroon. The first 60 students followed a 5-day training to develop their vision and entrepreneurial spirit. New sessions and a national launch are planned in 2017. More

World Bank Group: Launch of The Ideas for Action Competition

UN Environment:  Lesson Plan on Sustainable Development Goal 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy)

The World’s Largest Lesson, a project run by a partnership between UNICEF and Project Everyone, was founded to share the Global Goals with all 7 billion people on this planet. The United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) provided the content and ensured that children worldwide have access to a lesson on renewable energy (Sustainable Development Goal 7) as part of the World's Largest Lesson effort. More

World Bank Group: Launch of The Ideas for Action Competition

UNFPA Egypt: Enhancing the Monitoring and Evaluation skills of the Ministry of Youth and Sports’ Young Leaders

In February 2017, UNFPA Egypt provided a one-day training to the Young Assistants of governorate-level Directors of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The training focused on United Nations coordination for youth programmes on national, regional and global levels. It included sessions on monitoring and evaluation, results-based management principles implemented by UN agencies in programme planning and documenting progress of programmes and evaluating outcomes. The training was well received by Ministry of Youth and Sports staff who acknowledged the expertise of UN agencies in communicating the impact of UN programme implementation and monitoring and evaluation.  More

World Bank Group: Launch of The Ideas for Action Competition

UNFPA: Orientation for Egyptian Youth Attending the ECOSOC Youth Forum

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the coordinating agency for the Youth Taskforce, provided an orientation to Egyptian participants attending the Economic and Social Council’s (ECOSOC) Youth forum on 30 and 31 January 2017. To ensure effective participation and to demonstrate the involvement of Egyptian youth in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) consultations and review, eight Egyptians participated at the forum. The group partook in the youth blast organized by UNMGCY and provided a briefing on Egypt’s efforts in achieving the SDGs and were invited to speak about their initiatives. Upon return, the taskforce will coordinate media efforts to promote the outcomes of the ECOSOC Youth Forum in Egypt. More

Youth in Action

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI): "Youth Empowerment for Agenda 2030 Action through Social Entrepreneurship and Digital Social Currencies" Workshop

YouthActionNet: New Video Series Profiles Youth Taking Lead on SDGs

YouthActionNet’s new “Goal Getters” video series profiles 12 young leaders and their powerful role in contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Viewers learn about Rainier Mallol’s cutting-edge use of technology to prevent disease outbreaks (SDG #3) and Jacqueline Joseph’s sports-based approach to ending violence against women and girls (SDG#5), among other youth-led solutions. Together, they represent a growing movement of youth-led social change sweeping the globe. More




ILO: Promoting Decent Work Opportunities for Roma youth in Central and Eastern Europe

ILO: Country summary of school-to-work transition survey in Sierra Leone

This ILO country summary of the school-to-work transition survey (SWTS) provides a summary of youth labour market trends in Sierra Leone. This summary is part of the Work4Youth Project, a partnership between the ILO and The MasterCard Foundation to promote decent work opportunities for young men and women through knowledge and action. More

ILO: What are the Effects of Job Polarization on Skills Distribution of Young Workers in Developing Countries?

ILO: Jobs and skills for youth review of policies for youth employment in Mongolia

Young Mongolians continue to experience difficulties in their journey towards the labour market. The 2014 labour force data reveals an unemployment rate of 17.4 per cent among young people. This ILO report aims to shed light on these difficult transitions to the labour market by examining the policy environment, identifying gaps and proposing recommendations to support Mongolian efforts to improve the employment prospects of its young people.

ILO: Inequality of Opportunity and (Unequal) Opportunities in the Youth Labour Market: How is the Arab World Different?

ILO: Working anytime, anywhere - Opportunities and challenges of expanding telework

This ILO-Eurofound “Working anytime, anywhere: The effects on the world of work” report shows that the use of modern communication technologies facilitates a better overall work-life balance but, at the same time, also blurs the boundaries between work and personal life. The report synthesizes research carried out by both organizations in 15 countries, including ten EU Member States as well as Argentina, Brazil, India, Japan and the United States. More




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© 2017 Copyright, UNDESA DSPD Focal Point on Youth