March 2017

Feature Article


Inter-Agency Update

Inter-Agency Update

The Annual Meeting of the UN Inter-agency Network on Youth Development (UN IANYD) took place from 28-30 March 2017 at the International Training Center of the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Turin, Italy. The Network draws together over 40 UN entities to coordinate and collaborate on youth related issues across the UN system, including the implementation and monitoring of the UN System-wide Action Plan on Youth. UN DESA is the permanent co-chair of the Network, will be joined by ILO as the rotating co-chair for 2017-2018. More information on the Network can be found here. More


UN Entities Highlighted News

FAO: YUNGA Climate Change Challenge Badge translations

The Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) is delighted to announce that the Climate Change Challenge Badge is now available online in English, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Hungarian, Macedonian and Portuguese! Click on your language and learn about the vital role the climate plays in supporting life on Earth. Look at how your daily lives impact the Earth’s climate and undertake the activities to learn how you can take. Many around the world have already started— see what they have been doing in their communities by clicking here!


ILO: Work4Youth project ‘wrap up’ event

The Youth Employment Programme of the ILO and The MasterCard Foundation organized a one-day event in Geneva, Switzerland on 29 March 2017 to mark the end of the Work4Youth project. The event was an opportunity to showcase the numerous project outputs from 2011 to 2016, with emphasis on the value-added of the new datasets on youth labour market transitions to the realm of policy-oriented research. It also provided a platform to discuss the role of data and research in making ‘smarter’ investments in youth employment. For more information see:

UNCDF: How Access to Financial Services and Financial Education Affects Young People

OHCHR: Report - UN Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law

The first ever  UN Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law was held on 21-22 November 2016 in Geneva under the theme “Widening the democratic space: the role of youth in public decision-making”. The summary report provides highlights of the discussion and important recommendations to States and other relevant stakeholders, including civil society organizations. The report is available in all six official languages here.


UNDESA: “Youth Policies and Inequalities in Latin America” International Meeting

UNDP: Asia-Pacific Case4Space Photo Competition

The Case4Space Photo Competition is aimed at raising awareness and advocating for civic space in Asia-Pacific through photography. Targeting young people living in Asia and the Pacific (aged 18-29), the competition runs from 15 March to 5 May 2017. Weekly questions on the following themes will be released: Week 1– Freedom of expression, association and assembly; Week 2– Young women and civic space; Week 3– Online safety and security; Week 4– Right to participate; and Week 5– Civic space in your community. Young people will be encouraged to share their best photos each week on Instagram and/or Facebook using #Case4SpaceInsta. More

UNDP: #ACTon2250 – First Anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace & Security

UNDP: Young peacebuilders gather in Bogotá to discuss their contributions to peace and security

UNDP Colombia and UN Volunteers organized a series of events in Bogotá, Colombia, where young peacebuilders from different regions were invited to meet and share their experiences promoting a culture of peace. Following these events, UNDP, UNV, UNFPA & UNPBSO coordinated a 2-day youth consultation to provide input to the Progress Study mandated by UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security. Read the stories of these every-day peace ambassadors here!


PBSO: Youth, Peace and Security Regional Consultation and High-Level Dialogue in Amman, Jordan

UNDP: Fast Facts on UNDP’s work on Youth and Gender Equality

Gender equality, centred in human rights, is recognized both as a development goal on its own and as vital to accelerating sustainable development. In its latest Fast Facts, UNDP looks at how the entity works to unleash the potential of girls and young women, accelerate efforts to promote young women’s participation and leadership in public life, empower young women economically, and support the inclusion of young women’s voices, needs and contributions, including in the Women, Peace and Security agenda. More


UNDP: Innovation for Violence Prevention in Panama

UNICEF: Surf Safe - Adolescents producing and sharing online content with creativity and respect

UNICEF Brazil’s Surf Safe campaign helps provide adolescents with the autonomy and capacity to make good decisions online. The initiative aims to promote online safe behaviour among adolescents and has reached 14 million people in Brazil. Surf Safe addresses issues such as cyber bullying and sexting; online friendship; privacy; reliable sources of information; and online prejudice and intolerance. The work has been supported by the WePROTECT Global Alliance, dedicated to combating online child sexual abuse and exploitation. More



UNDP: Join the Arab States Space on the Youth4Peace Global Knowledge Portal!

UNODC: First sports training to prevent youth crime kicks off in Brazil

UNODC’s global sports-based life skills training initiative to prevent youth crime, 'Line Up Live Up',  has started in Brazil with the training of 25 trainers and sports teachers who regularly work with youth in vulnerable communities. With a view to promote sports for youth development and prevent anti-social and risky behaviour, the initiative is first being tested  in Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro, before being rolled out to other regions, including Latin America, Southern Africa and Central Asia. More

World Bank Group: Launch of The Ideas for Action Competition

UNFPA/Y-PEER Egypt supports the country’s first electronic census

In close collaboration with the government of Egypt, UNFPA supported Egypt’s Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) in the implementation of the 14th national population census. The census is a crucial national project that provides all the necessary statistical data for policy and decision makers to make projections and set appropriate plans for the country. UNFPA provided CAPMAS with 1,400 well-trained Y-PEER leaders who will participate in the data collection as well as complete questionnaires. More

World Bank Group: Launch of The Ideas for Action Competition

UNFPA/Y-PEER Egypt: Participation at the Egyptian Civil Society Organizations’ forum (ECSO) Forum

As a youth-led network, Y-PEER shared its youth recruitment and retention experiences during the Egyptian Civil Society Organizations’ forum (ECSO), held in partnership with ‘Plan International’ and ‘Children and Development Association’ in March 2017. The ECSO forum gathered 15 local NGOs, working on community development, especially with marginalized youth, in the cities of Assiut and Sohag. The forum was followed by a youth networking event and ‘Our Space - youth initiative’ workshop to map the intervention areas, focusing on volunteerism and youth participation. More


Youth in Action

International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI): "Youth Empowerment for Agenda 2030 Action through Social Entrepreneurship and Digital Social Currencies" Workshop

World Youth Foundation: International Capacity Building Workshop on Green Growth

The World Youth Foundation is organizing an International Capacity Building Workshop on Green Growth from 19 to 23 July 2017 at Melaka, Malaysia. The event is an Opportuniy for young people to discuss, understand, share, find solutions and develop strategies on issues pertaining to green growth, sustainable development, production and consumption that can be implemented at country level. More




ILO: What are the Effects of Job Polarization on Skills Distribution of Young Workers in Developing Countries?

ILO: Towards Evidence-Based Active Labour Market Programmes in Egypt: Challenges and Way Forward

This ILO report reviews the evidence base on what works in making Active Labour Market Programmes effective for young people and provides an analysis of the policy framework and stakeholders influencing youth employment programming in Egypt. The research aims to contribute to building consensus around the challenges and opportunities to strengthen evidence-based decision making in the field of youth employment in Egypt. More

ILO: Promoting Decent Work Opportunities for Roma youth in Central and Eastern Europe

ILO: Labour market transitions of young women and men in Madagascar

This ILO report presents the findings of a school-to-work transition survey in Madagascar. The report is part of the Work4Youth Project, a partnership between the ILO and The MasterCard Foundation to promote decent work opportunities for young men and women through knowledge and action. More





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© 2017 Copyright, UNDESA DSPD Focal Point on Youth