The Slogan of the International Year of Cooperatives

The slogan for the International Year of Cooperatives 2012 is "Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better World."

The slogan reminds of the important contributions that cooperatives can and do make to socioeconomic development at all levels of society, from the local to the international community.It makes the underlying declaration that economic viability need not be divorced from social responsibility.

All are welcome to use the slogan in their promotional material and events. However, to use associated graphic tag, non-UN entities MUST submit an application for approval to the IYC Secretariat via mail, fax, or email. On gaining approval, entities will be required to submit a signed waiver of liability form.

After you have gained approval and the signed waiver of liability is received, we will send you the link to download and attach the logo onto promotional materials for events organized in celebration of the Year. There is no charge to download the logo. Authorization of logo use also authorizes use of the associated graphic tag.

The graphic tag is available in all six official languages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

If you have any questions, please email us at

IYC Logo Guidelines for use
IYC Logo Application for use
Waiver of Liability