
The global launch of the International Year of Youth took place on Thursday, 12 August 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the United Nations General Assembly Hall.
The United Nations launched the International Year of Youth (12 August 2010 -11 August 2011), under the theme Dialogue and Mutual Understanding, to generate much needed attention for youth participation and youth development at local, national and global levels.
The Year was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly through its resolution 64/134, which calls upon Governments, the United Nations system, and civil society to recognize the contributions that youth make to society and to address the challenges they face. The Year provides an important opportunity to increase commitment to youth, promote youth participation and enhance inter-cultural dialogue and understanding among youth.
- Secretary-General's Remarks on the International Year of Youth | Video
- Mr. Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
- Mr. Samir Labidi, Minister of Youth, Sports and Physical Education, Republic of Tunisia
- S.E.M. Jean – Francis R. Zinsou, Ambassadeur Representant Permanent Du Benin,
Aupres Des Nations Unies
- Ms. Jane Stewart, Special Representative to the United Nations and Director ILO Office for the United Nations
- SDAA Michael Yates, USAID
- Ms. Maya Saoud, youth representative, Pax Romana
- Remarks by Monique Coleman
Messages for the Day
Fact Sheets
Photos and Videos

How can YOUTH promote and celebrate the Year?
- Organize an event: The UN Programme on Youth has developed, together with NGO partners, an
Activities Kit that provides guidance on organizing an event to celebrate the Year. The Kit includes
practical advice and effective strategies on how to promote your event; engage the media; develop
partnerships; build a constituency of supporters and much more.
- Post an event on the UN’s official Calendar of Events for the Year: Visit social.un.org/iyyevents and
submit an Event Registration Form. If you wish to attach the official logo of the year to promotional
materials, please follow the Guidelines posted on the website.
- Participate in local events: Visit the Calendar of Events to learn about activities taking place in your
community and around the world. Also, subscribe to Youth Flash, the UN’s monthly newsletter at www.un.org/esa/socdev/unyin/flash.htm, to learn about youth-related activities and publications.
- Contribute to online discussions: Monthly consultations are held on Facebook to encourage youth
from around the world to share their views on various aspects of the Year. Topics have included:
contributions for low-cost ideas for celebration activities; suggestions to increase the effectiveness of
youth participation and representation at the community level; ideas for engaging the media to raise
public awareness and ways to increase dialogue and understanding among the UN, Governments
and youth. To participate, please visit facebook.com/UNyouth and follow the link.
- Raise public awareness: Download the International Year of Youth banner from the official website and post a link on your webpage.