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![]() Harnessing the Power of Young People with Disabilities as Partners for DevelopmentOn September 7th, the UN Programme on Youth is hosting a side-event on youth with disabilities in cooperation with the NGO Leonard Cheshire Disability, the Secretariat to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UNICEF and UNESCO. Read more. ![]() International Youth Day 2011: Change Our WorldAs you know, this year’s International Youth Day will represent the culmination of the International Year of Youth (IYY) - designated by the United Nations to comprise the 12 month period between IYD 2010 and IYD 2011 - and the 25th Anniversary of the first International Year of Youth. As such, “Change Our World” has been chosen as the theme for IYD 2011 as it not only expresses the level of impact that young people strive to achieve, but also reflects the notion of a global community that is a core principle of the United Nations. Read more. ![]() International Year of Youth: Culmination CelebrationOn the final day of the International Year of Youth, the United Nations Programme on Youth will join together with the United Nations Youth Champion, Ms. Monique Coleman, and the Allykatzz organization, to hold a Culmination Celebration. The event will serve to address youth issues and concerns and to commemorate the International Year of Youth by focusing on the role girls and young women play in advancing dialogue and mutual understanding at all levels in society, from grassroots to national and international levels, with a view to encouraging broader and long-term social progress. Read more. ![]() High-Level Meeting on Youth calls for global strategy on youth employmentMore than 500 young people from around the world converged on the United Nations Headquarters to attend the High-Level Meeting on Youth, which opened on Monday, 25 July 2011. A moment of silence was observed at the opening in remembrance of the victims of the terror attacks in Norway. Expressing condolences to the people of Norway, Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon said, “This atrocity stands in stark opposition to the theme of this meeting, which is dialogue and mutual understanding". Read more. ![]() Briefing session on Youth and Armed ConflictThe UN Programme on Youth (UNPY) is hosting a briefing session on Youth and Armed Conflict in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations and the Office of the Special Representative to the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (OSRSG-CAAC). The session is being held in the context of the International Year of Youth. A panel discussion, moderated by Ms Chantale Walker, the Permanent Mission of Canada to the Untied Nations, will see young people, member states and UN experts discuss violations and abuses of young people in conflict zones, including attacks on schools and hospitals.
Flyer of the event ![]() Side Event on Indigenous Youth InitiativesA side event on Indigenous Youth Initiatives to Promote and Protect the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples is being held in the context of the tenth session of the UN Permanent Forum on
Indigenous Issues and as a means to celebrating the International Year of Youth. The event will address how indigenous youth, through youth led projects and initiatives, are making a difference in protecting and promoting their rights. The event will take place on Thursday 19 May in UNICEF House, New York. ![]() Empowering Disadvantaged Girls and Young WomenThe UN Programme on Youth (UNPY) hosted a briefing session on Empowering Check out also our new released Fact Sheet on Girls and Young Women. ![]() High-Level Meeting on YouthThe UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution A/65/L.63 on the Organization of the High-level Meeting on Youth. As part of the International Youth Year, the General Assembly will hold a High Level Meeting on Youth on 25 and 26 July 2011. The high-level meeting will have as its overarching theme “Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”.
Youth and HIV/AIDS
The UN Programme on Youth is hosting a briefing session on Youth and HIV/AIDS on 25 March 2011. The AIDS epidemic poses one of the most formidable challenges to the world at large. In 2008, young
people accounted for 40 per cent of all new HIV infections in people aged 15 years and older.
Youth and Environment
The UN Programme on Youth is hosting a briefing session on Youth and Environment on 9 March 2011. This session will examine the many ways in which young people contribute to sustainable living and environmental awareness through involvement in advocacy, national adaptation and mitigation actions, as well as international negotiations. Promoting the use of renewable energy sources and building adaptive capacity and resilience are just two examples of how young people have already been promoting environmental awareness. Young Philanthropy
The UN Programme on Youth, of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (UNDESA) together with
Search for Common Ground organized a panel discussion on "Youth-led Social Development and Young Philanthropy" on 8 February 2011 at the UN Headquarters in New York. International Year of Youth Briefing Sessions
The Programme on Youth, of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations (UNDESA), is organizing a series of Briefing Sessions in celebration of the International Year of Youth (2010-2011). Young people set the agenda at unprecedented Security Council meeting
From tackling terrorism and climate change to ending poverty and conflict, young people from around the world made their voices heard on the most vital challenges facing their generation during a unique event held on 21 December 2010 with the 15 members of the Security Council at United Nations Headquarters. More than 150 New York City school students and other young people from around the world participated in the event, entitled “Your World, Your Future: Voices of a New Generation” which sought to bring the voices of youth – who make up nearly half of the global population – directly to the Council. The United Nations appointed Actress Monique Coleman as UN Youth Champion
The UN appointed Disney actress and youth activist Monique Coleman as a “Youth
Champion” for the International Year of Youth at a press conference on 16 November 2010. UN Staff run in Beirut marathon for International Year of Yout
New 2010 Edition: World Youth Programme of Action
The World Programme of Action for Youth (WPAY), adopted by the General Assembly, provides a policy framework and practical guidelines for national action and international support to improve the situation of young people around the world. The WPAY covers fifteen youth priority areas and contains proposals for action in each of these areas.
The IYY Brochure is intended to provide an overview of the importance of the International Year for young people. Everyone is invited to promote the ideals of peace, freedom, progress and solidarity towards the promotion of youth development and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
The brochure is available in all UN six official languanges.
The purpose of the guide is to provide Member States with information on national youth delegates to the United Nations and practical guidance on developing youth delegate programmes. The Guide presents the many avenues through which young people may take part in the work of their national delegations, including by highlighting how some Member States have enabled youth to participate inthe intergovernmental processes at the United Nations.