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Please join us on our YouTube Channel by sharing videos abouth the International Year of Youth (IYY). In order to share your video, just send the video’s URL to us and we will do our best to post it. The subject of your email should be "IYY Video Sharing".

Post your Photos

IYY Picassa Photo Gallery

Please join us on our Picassa Photo Gallery by sharing photos about the International Year of Youth (IYY). In order to share your photos, please send us an emailand we will do our best to post them. The subject of your email should be "IYY Photo Sharing".

Youth Photo

Are you a young person and a global citizen?

We have received a large number of emails from youth around the world informing us of the activities that you are planning to celebrate the Year. We are thrilled about this enthusiastic response and encourage you to keep up the creativity!

This Year is about YOUTH. The General Assembly proclaimed the Year in recognition of the need for dialogue between youth and other generations as well as among youth in different parts of the world. Now that it has been proclaimed, it is up to you to make use of this opportunity and make your voices heard. The International Year is a fantastic opportunity to advocate on behalf of youth in your country or community and to promote dialogue and mutual understanding among youth and the decision-makers in your community, region or country.

The progress achieved during this Year in each of these areas will lay the foundation for further work in youth development, including the implementation of the World Programme of Action for Youth and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.


Organize and implement activities for the International Year of Youth

The UN programme on Youth (UNPY) together with the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the World Organization of the Scout Movement has developed the Activities Kit: A Guide to celebrating the International Year of Youth.

To download our promotional materials for your activities celebrating the Year, please visit: http://social.un.org/youthyear/promote.html


National Committees

The International Years are customarily celebrated at the national level, steered by a National Committee. We encourage governments to form National Committee in partnership with civil society and UN system organizations within the country.

To find out more about what a National Committee is and how the composition might look like, please read our guidelines.

Once a National Committee is formed in your country, please inform the UN Programme on Youth of the contact person and plans for the year so that we can add your activities and/or events to the calendar. (Fax +1-212-963-0111) or email youth@un.org


What do youth expect from non-formal education?

For this month's consultation we have decided to join forces with the WAGGGS and have a look at the difference between formal and non-formal education and to hear from YOUth how they feel about it.


According to UNESCO's definitions, formal education is the hierarchically structured, chronologically graded, educational system running from primary through to tertiary institutions.On the other hand, non-formal education is organised educational activity outside the established formal system that is intended to serve an identifiable learning clientele with identifiable learning objectives.


Formal education is the education we receive through schools, while non-formal education happens mostly outside school, for example in youth clubs and youth groups. Both forms of education complement each other and they are both part of a holistic approach to education. 

What do you expect from non-formal education? What topics would you prefer to discuss in a non-formal environment? Why? Have you ever taken part in non-formal education activities? What did you find positive/negative about it? Deadline for submissions :July 6th 2011.

Suggest low cost activities for the International Year of Youth!

To suggest a low cost activitiy, visit our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/UNyouthyear today!

Please continue to spread the word about the International Year and the consultation on low cost activities to your friends and among your networks.

Join us on Facebook Now!

Join us on Facebook Now!

We've created a Facebook page to promote IYY activities. We are excited that social sites like Facebook are offering us new opportunities for young people to interact and connect.

We look forward to you joining us. Please visit our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/UNyouthyear




IYY Photo
  • "International Youth Day 2011: Change Our World "


UN Framework Approach
IYY Photo
  • Create awareness (increase commitment and investment in youth)
  • Mobilize and engage (increase youth participation and partnerships)
  • Connect and build bridges (increase intercultural understanding among youth)


IYY Logo
IYY Photo
  • The UN Programme on Youth is pleased to launch the new logo for the International Year of Youth. The official slogan for the International Year of Youth (IYY) is: Our Year. Our Voice.


IYY Photo
  • Are you a young person and a global citizen? We have received a large number of emails from youth around the world informing us of the activities that you are planning to celebrate the Year.
